British Berkefeld® Filter Elements reduce up to 99.99% of particulates, cysts, parasites and pathogenic bacteria including E. Coli, Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Salmonella Typhi.
Additionally, these filters will reduce chlorine, rust, sediment and organic chemicals. With filtration rating efficiencies of >98% down to 0.2 microns >99.9% at 0.5 microns >99.99% at 0.9 microns (Spectrum Labs).
British Berkefeld®
Filter Elements are powerful and economical.
What's more, the durable ceramic
filters can be cleaned over and over, as needed, with a soft brush or
ScotchBrite® pad.
At the core of the Super Sterasyl ceramic filter element is the most basic of elements...EARTH. This is the same substance which artisans, first in Asia then in Europe, refined into exquisite porcelain and pottery of the Shoguns and Kings. This material is Diatomaceous Earth [D.E.], a fossil substance, made up of tiny silicon shells left by trillions of microscopic, one celled algae called diatoms that have inhabited the waters of the earth for the last 150 million years.
Diatoms have one property that sets them apart from other micro organisms. They weave microscopic shells which they use for the protection and locomotion. These shells are covered with a pattern of tiny holes so regular that even the slightest change in their design usually signifies a different species. As the diatoms died, their shells survived, slowly piling up in deposits at the bottom of geological lakes and lagoons. When these lakes dried up, what remained were huge deposits of "diatomaceous earth". Today there are over 1500 uses for Diatomaceous Earth, from abrasives for toothpaste, filtering agents for water and milk, heat insulators for kilns, to polishing agents in nail polishes, and many many more.
The flow rate of the ceramic filter can be easily renewed by simply brushing
its outer surface under running water. As the top layer of ceramic and
the contaminants are brushed off and flushed away, a new layer becomes
available. This process can be repeated many times before the ceramic
material is exhausted.
A Closer Look Inside
Super Sterasyl ceramic is made from Kieselguhr Diatomaceous Earth and fired at incredibly high temperatures. Over 80,000 overlapping pores make up each element. This feature provides absolute mechanical filtration to .9 of a micron (.5 ANSI). 99.99% rejection of bacteria and cysts. Bacteria and any other foreign particles are trapped on the outside of the element while the water passes through the ceramic wall to the inside of the element.
Inside the Ceramic shell is a post filter which is manufactured by using a treated granular carbon to form a tightly packed matrix. This post filter provides Chemical Reduction of chlorine, pesticides, solvents, etc.
Key Features
- REMOVES PATHOGENIC (disease causing) BACTERIA (>99.99%) - Cholera, Typhoid, Salmonella, Serratia, E. Coli, Fecal Coliform, Etc.
- Removes (99.99%) Cryptosporidium Parvum and Giardia Lamblia Cysts (Beaver Fever)
- Sub-Micron Particulate Filtration
- Quickly and Easily Cleaned for Prolonged Life and Outstanding Economics
- Does not "Plug Up" Internally
- No Tools Required to Service
Sterasyl ceramic filters have been available in the United States since since World War II and the ceramic shell of our Super Sterasyl element is an NSF Listed Component and is manufactured to meet NSF Standrad 42 for materials
- Sterasyl are the only ceramic filters available today to be certified under both of these standards.
Super Sterasyl filtration elements are manufactured to the following international standards and have been tested and approved by the following independent bodies or agencies:
- ISO-9000: 2000
- Hyder Labs® UK
- Spectrum Labs® UK
- WRc® Mednenham UK
- Clare Microbiology® UK
- Loughborough University - UK
- University of Arizona® USA
- Thresh, Beale, and Suckling® UK
- WRc Gwent® UK
- Over Many Independent Laboratories Worldwide
NOT Available in California or Iowa